Web Design and Development Services
Website development and backend data management systems
We are a Web design agency based in Leicester building and maintaining websites and developing web designs for over 15 years. New Time Media has established itself within a wide selection of fields with a multitude of different clients and practices. These have ranged from small promotional points to client maintained data management systems. With a high degree of specialist areas within web design, website promotion and information management New Time Media can help you develop and maintain a strong position within your given marketplace. This may include but not limited to Web Design, Website Development, Database Management or bespoke functionality integrating all the latest social media outlets.

Starting your website with New Time Media
Our initial aims when dealing with any prospective client is to determine and understand your expectations and how best to translate this into an online presence. We can advise on what technologies are best suited for your requirements, while helping you avoid the inevitable pitfalls that can be associated with the use of certain technologies.
We can assist in the design process through to hosting and managing your entire online space. We offer exceptionally competitive prices while maintaining the highest of standards and services where it counts most.
Responsive Web Design

Having a responsive website that can cater for multiple viewpoints has become almost essential if your target audience is accessing your services via mobile devices.
We offer very competitive rates in responsive web design from bespoke builds to creating a responsive version of your current website. With existing clients where applicable we have added this functionality as part of their ongoing packages. Call today to find out how to convert your current website design to be responsive or alternatively to start a completely new website design for your company/project.